Various acids are used to perform Professional chemical peels, and the choice of acid depends on the type and depth of the peel desired. Here are some common acids used in chemical peels:

  1. Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHAs):

    • Examples: Glycolic acid (derived from sugar cane), lactic acid (derived from sour milk), citric acid (derived from citrus fruits).

    • Used in superficial peels to improve skin texture, reduce fine lines, and treat mild discoloration.

  2. Beta Hydroxy Acids (BHAs):

    • Example: Salicylic acid.

    • Often used in peels for acne treatment. Salicylic acid is oil-soluble and can penetrate into the pores, making it effective for treating acne and blackheads.

  3. Trichloroacetic Acid (TCA):

    • TCA is a medium-depth peel that penetrates the epidermis and upper dermis.

    • Used to address pigmentation issues, wrinkles, and uneven skin tone.

  4. Jessner's Solution:

    • A combination of salicylic acid, lactic acid, and resorcinol.

    • Used for medium-depth peels to treat acne, pigmentation issues, and sun-damaged skin.

  5. Phenol:

    • A deep-peel agent.

    • Penetrates into the deeper layers of the skin and is used for more severe skin issues, such as deep wrinkles and significant sun damage.

    • Phenol peels are generally performed under the supervision of a physician due to the potential for complications.

  6. Polyhydroxy Acids (PHAs):

    • Examples: Gluconolactone, lactobionic acid.

    • Similar to AHAs but typically have larger molecular structures, making them gentler on the skin.

    • Suitable for individuals with sensitive skin.

  7. Retinoic Acid Peels:

    • These peels involve the use of retinoic acid, a derivative of vitamin A.

    • Used for anti-aging purposes to improve fine lines, wrinkles, and skin texture.

It's crucial to note that the concentration and formulation of these acids can vary, and the appropriate choice depends on individual skin characteristics and the specific goals of the chemical peel. A Licensed Aesthetician should assess your skin and recommend the most suitable type of chemical peel for your needs.

Have you ever had a chemical peel? Comment below and share with us your experience.